
您可通过两种方式找到网内复函方:搜索和运行报告。 Con...
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Responder: the person or central office who is answering the auditor’s confirmation request, wheth...
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Integrate Your Purchase Card Provider with Confirmation Accounting firms can set up a payment card t...
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获得银行的询证回函是审计流程的一个核心要素。 Do you know if your d...
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If a company or organization is at risk of losing or winning a material lawsuit, then stakeholders s...
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What is FinTech? 2000 years ago, King Hieron engaged hundreds of people to launch Syracusia, a 55 me...
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Because Confirmation is a global solution, you’re able to send audit confirmations to anyone a...
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How Interactive Brokers, a giant in the online broker space, uses an API to enable instant, automati...
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As a sole practitioner, Kim Thomason serves the non-profit sector almost exclusively, completing ann...
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